Quick Muscle Building Workouts

Quick Muscle Building Workouts – Your Secret to Fast Muscle Building Techniques

In the rapid-paced world today, everyone aspires to achieve results rapidly in whatever they do. Whether it is about losing weight or gaining it, losing fat or building muscle, fast and quick results are often expected. But the fact remains, there is no shortcut to success and hard work is the key. Quick muscle building remains the most desired wish amongst the youth today and they are always in a lookout for such quick muscle building workouts.
quick muscle building workouts

Quick Muscle Building WorkoutsThere are some points to be remembered for effective and quick muscle building. For building muscle, low reps should be used. This gives more stress to your muscles and they tend to grow faster. The focus should be on compound lifts for effective muscle building. Compound lifts mean those exercises which require various individual muscles to complete the lift. Squats, bench press, overhead presses are few notable compound exercises. Contrary to common beliefs, free weights are better than machines to make your muscles work more. Going to gym should be treated like going to a war. 100% intensity is required to do a good workout. The frequency to train should be set right as it is the key to achieve the effectiveness of these quick muscle building workouts.

Today, patience is meant only for mutual funds, not muscles. We want our bodies to look good right away. So here, we shall discuss a few types of quick muscle building workouts.

Pumping the chest

This is one of the commonest muscle building workouts and does not require any iron, but just pushups. Do as many pushups in 1 minute as possible. Without a break, move into a modified pushup position and perform pushups as many as possible in 1 minute. Repeating such a superset at least twice makes a good workout.

Pumping the arm

Work the triceps and biceps equally hard and rest 4-5 minutes between these exercises.

Overextension Kickback

Holding a light dumbbell in the right hand and with left knee and hand placed on a bench, you need to bend forward at hips to make the torso parallel to the floor. Lift the dumbbell up and back. The palm needs to be rotated up slowly toward the ceiling as the weight clears the butt. After a short pause, return to the starting position. Three sets of eight repetitions with each arm should be done. It is a very effective way of quick muscle building.


Bench Dip

The hands should be placed behind on the edge of a bench and the feet on a second bench placed in front of you. Someone should place a few weight plates on your lap carefully so that they do not fall. The body should then be lowered until the upper arms are nearly parallel to the floor. After a short pause, return to the starting position. Gradually with fatigue setting in, get the weight plates removed one at a time, until you are unable to do any more with only your body weight. Then, taking a position as if sitting in an invisible chair, lower your body and complete as many repetitions as possible. Probably the hardest of all, but bench dip is the most important part in the list of quick muscle building workouts.

Modified Bicycle Kick

You need to lie on the floor with hands behind your head, right leg straight but off the floor. Bend the left leg to pull your knee to the chest. Lifting the shoulder blades off the floor, touch the right elbow to the left knee while taking a count of two. Pause, return to the starting position and repeat the move on the other side. A minimum of 15 repetitions should be done on each side followed by 30 conventional crunches to achieve results in muscle building.

Roll up

Lie straight on the floor with arms at your sides. With heels pushed into the ground, shoulders and back should slowly be lifted off the floor until the body is perpendicular to the floor. Come back to the starting position to a count of five and perform 10 repetitions.

A sincere approach and right intensity are absolutely vital to get benefits from these quick muscle building workouts.

Workout Routines For Women at Home to Lose Weight

October 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Workout Routines for Women

workout routines for women
Workout Routines for Women

Workout Routines for Women at Home to Lose Weight Quickly

Looking for good, effective workout routines for women at home to lose weight? Weight loss is a constant struggle for most of the people. People try out various ways to shed the extra pounds from their bodies. They try various diet plans and many exercise/ workout regimes, but all in vain. Most of the workout routines are outdated. Neither these plans help the women to lose weight, nor do they help them in getting the slim, feminine physique.There are plenty of workout routines for women at home to lose weight  but all those lead to muscular and masculine bodies. But obviously, women prefer slender and thin bodies.

Women may train at a gym or at home depending on their schedules. While there are almost all equipment and facilities available at a good gym, but for the women who prefer exercising at home must buy some inexpensive equipment. A small (soccer-sized) ball, a bath towel, a desk chair, an area free of furniture, some good dance music and a tall glass of water are some of those things that would be required to train at home.

 Workout Routines For Women at Home  Exercises

It should be remembered that a four-minute warm-up is required before starting workout routines for women. Running in place or walking briskly around the house will help the heart-rate go up.

  • Ab twist: This is one of the most effective workout routines for womenat home to lose weight. While sitting on the floor and towel underneath you, and feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball with both hands and arms extended in front of you. Slowly lie back, tucking in with tight abdominals at all times. Stopping at halfway to the floor and twisting to the left, you need to reach toward the floor with the ball. Slowly twist over to the right side while holding for a beat followed by normal breathing and concentrating on contracting abdominal muscles.
  • Back pull: This is highly effective among the top workout routines for women. With the towel rolled lengthwise, one end should be grasped in either hand. Then the towel needs to be raised over head with arms extended. Inhale, and then start bending the towel behind your head, exhaling slowly simultaneously. Remember not to tense the neck.
  • Push-up: Place the towel under the knees for support. Kneeling on the towel, find a position so that the torso is at a 45-degree incline. With hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and fingers spread, lower yourself (until torso is two inches off the floor) while inhaling and abdominals tucked. Hold, and gradually press up to the starting position.
  • Dance-break: A four-minute dance break is required which will not only boost your confidence but also help you burn some calories. You might dance through one song or two. Drink some water.
  • Heel-walk: Sit in the rolling chair with shoulders back and abs tucked. The task here is to move forward by digging heels into the floor. This should be continued for 2 minutes. It is a hard exercise, so a glass of water is recommended after completing 2 minutes.
  • Bridge: Lie on the floor with knees bent, feet flat on the floor and hands at sides. After inhaling, the bottom and lower back should be raised off the floor while exhaling. After holding for one count, release gradually without letting the bottom touch the floor until all 12 repetitions are completed.
  • Hamstring curl: Lie flat on stomach with ball between ankles and head resting on crossed arms. Then the knees need to be lifted off the floor as high as possible, while still squeezing the ball and keeping the legs as straight as possible. Now slowly bend the knees until the feet point toward the ceiling. Exhale while curling up and inhale while releasing.
  • Arm Extension: With towel rolled up lengthwise, one end should be placed in the left hand. Left arm should then be straightened directly over the head. Now grasp the other end of the towel with the right hand reaching behind the back. Gently pull down the towel with right arm, bending left arm behind the head. Inhale while holding the towel steady. Exhale and bring the left arm to the starting position keeping tension on the towel with right arm. Then repeat on the other side.

A sincere workout, just thrice a week, will bring results in less than a month’s time. Of course, a healthy diet needs to be followed as well in addition to maintaining the workout routines for women at home to lose weight plan.